DeWitt C. Tremaine

MissionUFO Boise, ID
AdventuringElf United States
Poems The Dream -
TheRise of a King Winter Dream
Spring Dream Dream Weaver
Star Wish Lone Wolf
The Queen of Hearts One People
Shadow Keep My VP Chat page


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About Me

I am married with children and a house, we live in and work for a living, I am not famous yet, so any more personal information is still personal. I work at a computer Helpdesk. It is a career field that expects rapid turnover, but I have been at it for a couple of years and I still love the job. A kind word does turn away much wrath. I play darts, like to hunt, fish once in awhile, play fantasy fiction games and write. I like a lot of things, life mostly I guess.


My favorite pass-time is writing. I have enough poems to make a book and short stories to put together my own anthology. I have started several full length novels and have one published. Some of my poems have been published and a few short stories have been submitted. I have had some technical writing published in manuals and other publications in places I have worked.


RPG and Fantasy-Fiction Games

Greetings and welcome to Shadow Keep home of HonorLord, OK so that is my fantasy character in real time chat fantasy. It is also a character drawn out of characters in a series of books I am writing. The RPG (role playing game) characters differ from the book characters it is of which it is composite. I enjoy fantasy-fiction, I write it, I read it and I play it.



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